Smurfs . . . you think their sweet and nice and cute with all that skipping around and la-la-la-la and whatnot. But think about it . . . they are the most narcissistic creatures . . . like . . . ever! Everything is smurf this and smurfy that. "Have a smurfy day." "You're so smurfy" "I feel smurfy." "Isn't that just smurfy!"
If they had it their way we would replace every adjective, nouns and some verbs with the word 'smurf'. I could just choke!

And what does all that smurfiness mean, anyway? Is being smurfy a good thing or a bad thing? What if you told someone to go smurf themselves or go smurf off? That can't be very nice right?
When they get all excited someone always says "Now Now! We all need to smurf down!" What the heck is that supposed to mean?
When they get all excited someone always says "Now Now! We all need to smurf down!" What the heck is that supposed to mean?

He's even usurped the Bible and created his own. A quote from John 3:16 in the King Smurf Version:
"For God so smurfed the world that He smurfed His only begotten Son, so that whoever besmurfs in Him shall not perish but have eversmurfing life."

How many times can you say smurf before you go absolutely batty?

I guess if I were a smurf I'd be Grouchy Smurf . . . cuz i'm sure not feeling the smurfy love.
Smurf this, smurf-hat!
Smurf this, smurf-hat!

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